Diary Entry: 20 October, 2023
(21 days after being called in to Gaza) To anyone who is even considering the option of ever making the move to Israel, to those who have never fathomed such a crazy proposal, to those who
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(21 days after being called in to Gaza) To anyone who is even considering the option of ever making the move to Israel, to those who have never fathomed such a crazy proposal, to those who
Erev Yom Ha’atzmaut (Eve of Israel Independence Day) Usually we’d be celebrating after commemorating and remembering those who fell on Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Day of Remembrance for IDF soldiers) the day before. A new dimension of
October 2023 “Signing off for now, love you all so much and please God we will do Am Yisrael and the world proud, this is my time to give all I’ve got for our beloved country
(After five weeks in Gaza, on the way home for a short break) Tzahal is doing a fantastic job in the war so far. Many terrorist facilities have been neutralised, and we are edging ever closer,