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We Will Win
Iron words from an indestructible people. Thoughts and reflections from a nation at war.
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First Shabbos of the War
O sheltered punditsand tenured humanistswho have beenposting and tweeting how you feel bad for Israel, but all the same… I say to you, my colleagues,as Hamas Einsatzgruppenmurder Israeli women and childrenin their homes and fields: Have
Say Their Names
AgamDaniellaKarinaLiriNaama five vibrantvital flowersbeginning bloomsurveilling their field suddenly savagelyripped from their soilfrom their landfrom the earth itself AgamDaniellaKarinaLiriNaama if I were Catholicthis ritualistic repetitionwould be my recitationof the rosary but I was born a Jewwith all
Sheva BeOctober: A Poem
Without a chancewithout being askedStill they askThey insistDeclaim “this”1 Before the mountain man2before the voices3before three stars4came us5 Returned we6no prodigal7no mere relic8Rather to end it9 EverlastingPresent, ever threateningTo green hills and pleasant land again10Blood yet,
Bridge of Tears
Last night, I went to the kotel and prayed. I didn’t pray like I normally pray. I imagined I was Shiri Bibas praying for herself and her husband and her children in Hamas captivity. I do
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
We commemorateCelebratePontificateOn the ironiesFaced in grief and lovethat proliferateHolding space and breathRemembering who we are and the salvationWe await We’ve been here beforeWe know when it’s time toLather, rinse, repeat Mourning creates longingWhile rumors are swarmingThere’s