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We Will Win
Iron words from an indestructible people. Thoughts and reflections from a nation at war.
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The Bibas Family Haiku Project
The Bibas family haiku project will comprise three groups of poems – each group representing a particular character. The haikus will emulate the structure of a haiku in that the first character (Imma/mama) will have five
Simchat Torah Morning 2023
This time last year it’s early in the morning and I am suddenly roused from sleep. Could it be…? Is this a siren? We are usually warned about red alert sirens, indicating that we are being
I Will Call You After the War
I had that student. I remember his first time in my class vividly. He chose a chair, positioning himself with his back to the window to shield his eyes from the sun. As he settled in,
Soldiering On
More empty chairs than not We’ll sit at the table alone But how can we bemoan our fate When our children could still come home
October’s Ashes
Through smoky dawn,a soldier stands,in Israel’s land. Courage demands,he treads on ashes,October’s ashes,the fallen’s remains. With each step, he tastes their pain.October seventh,a day of Terror. Burned bodies,a somber sight.He fights through the barricades and fire. A cigarette’s glowin dim