Category: Writing from home

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Writing from home
Caroline Goldberg Igra

The Weight of Words

Letters. Black on white. They usually adhere to their two-dimensional habitat. Sedate, well-behaved. But what happens when they leap off the surface and issue blood-curdling screams? That is the case this grey morning. My head reflexively

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My Five-Year-Old Chayal

My five-year-old son is currently wearing his army uniform costume we bought him for Purim nearly three months ago. Since then, he has taken every opportunity given to him to wear it. Little religious boys wear

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Writing from home
Alla Turovskaya

Where the Parrots Go

They sing.At the stupid o’clockwheneven Sunhasn’tgot up yetbut only opened its eyes,stretched out and yawnedthese irksome creatures alreadytweetchirppeepsingtheir dumb happy songsand don’tlet me sleep. They sing.Clang, tinkle, ring.When I work.When I walk.When I speakon the phone.I

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Writing from home
Gayle Danis Rinot

Cleared for Publication

Today is May 13, 2024. Memorial Day in Israel. It’s not a shopping and vacation holiday like in the U.S. Rather it is a day of somber reflection and sadness when we mourn our war dead

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Writing from home
Fran Levin


     I’m not brave.     I have never offered to check if there’s a burglar or terrorist outside in our garden when the dog growls and barks at night.     I take a tranquillizer before I visit

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Writing from home
Miriam Roskind

Broken Hearts

Some people wear their heart on their sleevesTo show it off to all aroundMine lays heavy, tied round my neckIt’s weight, it’s worth I’ve avowed Some people’s hearts protected and safeAwait that pure moment of loveMine

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Writing from home
Rachel Secunda

Waiting for Friday

Some days you can try to close your eyes and ears to the world and the war and just focus on your immediate family and your life. But in order to do that you can’t listen

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Photo cred: Menachem Pritzker
Writing from home
Ash Glenville

The Forgotten

You don’t care when our soldiers are killed.You don’t care when our elderly are murdered.You don’t care when our women are raped.You don’t care when our men are brutally slaughtered.You don’t care when our children are

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Photo cred: Menachem Pritzker
Writing from home
Ash Glenville

100 Days

We pray harder and longer,We feel sadder and more anxious.We also love more fiercelyAnd our unity tightensAs our tears solidify the fragments of our heartsBonded by the resounding call toBRING THEM HOME!

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