About Us

Coming together
to tell the story
of our people.

Iron Words Israel is an Israel-based website, launched in 2024, inspiring creative work.

Iron Words Israel is an artistic initiative, whereby we look for inspirational and thought-provoking writing on topics such as living through the war, volunteering, remembering our fallen, praying for our hostages, having loved ones in the army, or other related topics.

Our Writers

Our writers hail from all over the world, with most residing in Israel. Writers of all ages are represented and children’s entries are welcome!
Entries are all written in English or translated professionally to English, and are in the form of poetry, prose, true stories, experiences, perspectives, copies of journal entries or emails to friends and family, accompanying art, and more.
You can submit as many writing entries as you like through the website, and once processed, they will be featured online for the public to read!
Looking forward to the launch and excited to receive all your amazing entries!

Our Team

Hila Bar is known for her penetrating commentary on people and society, as well as her deep, insightful poetry and prose. 

She studied English and Hebrew language and literature at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and works as a translator and editor. 

Hila made Aliyah in 1996 and currently resides in Srigim, in the Ela Valley region of Israel. Hila can be reached through Facebook or via email at [email protected].

Sarah is a professional writer and editor and is always on the lookout for beauty and inspiration. She has an M.A. in Editorial Studies and can spot a missing comma from a mile away. 

Sarah lives in a little bubble of calm and serenity in Modiin with her family and her Kindle.  

Sarah manages many other projects and websites, most notably LoveLoveTea.com. Be in touch with Sarah at [email protected].


Throughout the war, Bethami has found beautiful and raw emotions expressed in words and images, sometimes difficult emotions that reflect the strength around us. 

Bethami views these creative works as a sort of therapy for both authors and readers, as we share, listen, and learn about reactions that are both similar to each other and different. 

Listening to each other’s words – iron words! – is one way to ensure that we draw strength from our community – strength of iron – and get through this time with some sanity in place.

Headshot of Dr. Yael Maoz, Publisher at Beverly House Press. White woman in glasses in a collared green shirt seated outdoors

Dr. Yael Maoz has a rich background in science and publishing. Having made Aliyah to Israel in 2012 as a scientist, she later founded Beverly House Press, focusing on empowering authors.

Yael is passionate about sharing the important narratives shared here in Iron Words and is leading the project to compile this collection into a book, aiming to amplify diverse perspectives and foster understanding. 

If you are interested in helping to turn this into a book, reach out at [email protected]