Category: Writing from home

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Untitled Passage

8 October, 2023 It’s my daughter yelling “airplane!” in excitement as a fighter jet flies overhead. It’s my little nephew coming home early from shul to put on his uniform and go before the dancing has

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Writing from home
Miriam Roskind

Broken Thoughts

A morning with 2 pairs of namesWhich ones will set the toneThe lives of two so tragically lostOr the other two, finally home 2 angels departed2 more just returned The rays of sunlightFight battles with the

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Reflections on My Inner Strength

25 October, 2023 The war in Israel – Day 18 The first few days there was shock in the air. We might have to go in the mamad 1 at any time. I didn’t want to

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Writing from home
Miriam Roskind

A Jew, Never Prouder

I am a Jew. Always have been, always will be. There was never a moment in my life that I can remember that I had to be taught that, or have it explained to me. There

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Writing from home
Hila Bar

An Evening of Giving

An Israeli Evening of Giving – 28.11.2023 Last night I was jotting down some notes in answer to the question, “How do you cope and what gives you joy during the current times of war?” asked

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Writing from home
Rivkah Lambert Adler

Ninety-Seven Days

Ninety-seven walk through glue days.In a row.Soul rubbed raw. For better or worse, the inside of everything is showing now. My eyes are dust. The harshest imagesdefy tears.I cry only from that which is tender. Too

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I and II

I October 18, 2023 “Oh, a little gingy boy”, she says softly and I automatically smile and begin to say thank you, sure she is about to tell me how cute gingy boys are, how her

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The Massacre of October 7th

Simchat Torah is every Jewish person’s favorite holiday, you can’t convince me otherwise. Feasts that would put the Beauty and the Beast’s feast to shame, uncoordinated dances in synagogues and living up to true joy. It’s

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My Experience

Writing from Yanuh-Jut, Druze village in Israel We always say Israel is a small country and you can usually make a connection between people…someone who knows someone, but Druze and Jew? Last week there was a

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