Category: Writing from home

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Writing from home
Ben Gold

And he descended

We have descended. If history follows a pattern, we’re in Exile. And 7 October was the Destruction. Destruction of our faith in. And our hope for. Of our passivity. Our freedom to be extreme. The mirage

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Writing from home
Miriam Roskind


Today is somehow both the last day of Sukkot and the first night of Chanuka It is both October 7th and December 7th Terror doesn’t have a calendar Nights are spent tossing and turning Worried for

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Writing from home
Miriam Roskind

Bring them home

Everywhere you go, everything you do. Let your world be a little dimmer, let their memory be that much brighter. Until they are all home.

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The last time

He smiled and said goodbye For what would be the last time I wish that I had known I would have held him for a while She turned and walked away With a laugh and a

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Writing from home
Miriam Roskind

Please be true

There is still beauty in our world, despite the pain. There is still light in our lives, despite the darkness. There is still hope in our nation, despite the despair. If I say this enough times,

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Writing from home
Ben Gold


Burned It’s seared I can’t unsee Every cell cries Want them all to Hard to be patient Words fail am left with Burning raw vengance Anger toppling monsters God just keep sane enough And god guide

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Survivor’s guilt

Survivor’s guilt My world atilt Once third generation Ever again in my nation Destruction Abduction No truths, just obstruction Our lives no stability, constantly set in fluxion Down south is the horror Up north is the

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Too many heroes

Not all heroes wear olive green Though many of them do anyways They come in all shapes and all sizes Deserving of all of our praise Not all heroes carry weapons and ammo Though too many

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