Photo by Hila

(21 days after being called in to Gaza)

To anyone who is even considering the option of ever making the move to Israel, to those who have never fathomed such a crazy proposal, to those who are seriously weighing the pros and have started packing their bags, and to those who know of someone who fits into any of these categories:

Aliyah has always been a major foundation of faith in our Nation. At times of peace, at times of persecution, and at times of war. And war has been a familiar neighbour of ours for a long time.

But for me, the current fight is of a different scale to anything we’ve experienced. Not since 1948 has a Jewish Israeli settlement been overcome entirely by an enemy. Not since 1967 has Israel been waiting for weeks in a state of apprehension as to the next military step. Not since 1973 has Israel been brutally surprised with an onslaught of enemy forces on a holy festival and Shabbat. Not since the Nazi regime, perhaps, has such a scale of cruelty and evil been planned, encouraged, embodied, recorded, filmed, and published globally by enemies against innocent Jews and Israelis. Never, I believe, has Israel been at full scale war with anything other than a state or country – whereas today a terrorist organisation of the greatest evil has risen its head against us and dared to challenge our resolve in a major fashion.

Then again, I believe Israel has never, in all its history, drafted over 300,000 reservists ready to fight and give what it takes to defend and protect. I have the merit of being one of these proud soldiers. Never have we had the military strength and might, intelligence and resources we do today, in order to stand tall and defend ourselves. Never, I believe, have we received so much global support and favour, even if tainted with those various voices of judgment, bias, contempt, and hatred. Never have I, in my short history, felt so connected to our Home and Nation, felt the merit of being a part of the huge Blessing which is Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael.

And never have I felt the calling to come Home so strongly; never have I believed it more important that Bnei Yisrael wake up to the national call of the Shofar – Teka b’shofar gadol l’cheiruteinu v’sa nes lekabetz gluyoteinu – “Sound the great Shofar to herald our freedom; raise high the banner to gather all exiles.” I’m convinced that others feel a similar bond, experience a parallel sense of belonging, yearning and drive for being a significant part of this extraordinary saga.

Whether right wing, left wing, religious or not, Charedi or nationalist Zionist etc. – the enemy of such evil roots has woken us up to our incredible state of Unity and togetherness, our Collective journey and shared history. If we were divided in a painful manner just a few weeks ago, the extreme opposite reality of cohesiveness that has emerged, albeit also painfully, has revealed an inner truth of phenomenal proportion, toward which only a fool could turn a blind eye. As a soldier, I’ve experienced it through donations and contributions, through brotherly help in exercises and training, through family support and love beyond words, and more. I believe we all have tasted in some shape or form this incredible shift in spirit.

Which brings me back to the original subject of returning Home, returning to Israel, Shivat Tzion. Brothers and sisters, this Unity, I believe, along with all I’ve described, is because of and thanks to our national Soul speaking out from our promised borders, our Holy Land, and from the hearts of the People dwelling within and strengthening our resolute right to live where we are meant to be. Every thing in this world has its place, and Am Yisrael’s place is nowhere else.

So if anyone wishes and wants to consider this special zchut, this possibility of coming Home, we’re ready with open arms 🙂 Just say the word; I’ll do my best to help in whatever way possible and am sure my family will too.

I felt an inexplicable need to share – I feel a strong ruach (spirit) from our Nation sweeping the world; this is not just a historical war, but a biblical one, and Israel, and in turn the world, will come out of this war in a new light, a great step towards Geula, Redemption. I’m certain of it, and with love and Emuna I invite all who want to also be a physical part of it to join us. This is a crucial chapter in our National history. Lots of love, and thinking of you all.

Am Yisrael Chai, and has never been so Chai as now!

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