Erev Yom Ha’atzmaut (Eve of Israel Independence Day)

Usually we’d be celebrating after commemorating and remembering those who fell on Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Day of Remembrance for IDF soldiers) the day before.

A new dimension of pain, grief, intimacy and even regret fills the atmosphere of Israel this year. It is part of us, we have all been hit.

The war isn’t over and every one of us has relatives or family who are part of it, have been affected by it, or sadly lost lives from it.

Instead of being at home celebrating the independence of our nation, I am entering the Gaza Strip once again, back to the war.

It’s obvious to me that it isn’t a coincidence to enter Gaza tonight.

What is more justified, moral, important, patriotic and exciting than fighting against the enemy who deliberately want to eliminate us, destroy our nation, and stop the Israeli light shining, on the night that we celebrate the independence of our people?

Eight months of intense fighting, so many uncomfortable hours, horrifying scenes and uncountable amounts of effort put in by so many good people. It must be worth it, we can’t stop until the hostages are released.

Big historical perspectives with faith are required to be able to fathom what haa been happening to us this year. It’s all part of the process, the generational journey of our nation, Am Yisrael, in its years since we left Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, received the Torah, entered our promised land and fought for it for the past 2000 years.

Tonight I’m just another lucky guy to be part of it, and I’ll do my best, whatever it takes, whatever the results are.

The direction is a little hazy for many of us, but it’ll be lightened soon, there’s no doubt; it has to be.

We all need to put in our effort so the nation can live safely and happily in its promised land. Be nice and kind to each other, help others, dare to improve your surroundings and believe in the justified route we are paving.

Victory is close, we won’t forget the prices paid, as painful as they are.

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