Tag: anti-Semitism

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Writing from work
Maxim D. Shrayer

First Shabbos of the War

O sheltered punditsand tenured humanistswho have beenposting and tweeting       how you feel bad             for Israel,                  but all the same… I say to you, my colleagues,as Hamas Einsatzgruppenmurder Israeli women and childrenin their homes and fields:       Have

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Sheva BeOctober: A Poem

Without a chancewithout being askedStill they askThey insistDeclaim “this”1 Before the mountain man2before the voices3before three stars4came us5 Returned we6no prodigal7no mere relic8Rather to end it9 EverlastingPresent, ever threateningTo green hills and pleasant land again10Blood yet,

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Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey out of Egypt.But how could we forget?Weak, starving, insecure, unprotectedParched, dehydrated, thirstyFor water, yes – and so much moreTraveling across the desertBarren wasteland filled with nothingEndless exhaustion

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silentversities             silently witness silentversities             fail to condemn silentversities              soulless and witless silentversities              solo and in tandem silentversities              hostile to Israel silentversities              seek compromise    silentversities              toxic with vitriol silentversities             

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Campus Confrontation

“What are you doing still awake?”She answered him:“I love.”from the Russian of Leonid Martynov “Are you a Zionist?” they asked,their faces covered in keffiyehs.On their chessboard hate was masked.She stood alone. She had no fear.“No Zionist

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Photo cred: Menachem Pritzker
Writing from home
Ash Glenville

The Forgotten

You don’t care when our soldiers are killed.You don’t care when our elderly are murdered.You don’t care when our women are raped.You don’t care when our men are brutally slaughtered.You don’t care when our children are

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Photo by Hila
Writing from home
Rachel Secunda

Day 12

It has been nearly two weeks.Somehow time has managed to crawl by and speed past.We have been living in a weird alternate reality.There isn’t any routine. School is still not functional.Rockets are still falling. My kids

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A Ghazal Written at the Time of War

Us with our wandering stars and souls, Jews,Candles, kippahs and torah scrolls, Jews. The only things we have, Hashem and Jerusalem,Our ancient walls have been ruined again, Jews. Told repeatedly, you look like ugly moles,Always persecuted

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