Tag: Daphna Horowitz

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Writing from home
Daphna Horowitz

War Diaries: Day 45

22 November, 2023 Day 45: Sparks of Light in the Darkness – Hope, Heartbreak, and Unexpected Advocacy The last time I wrote an entry for my war diaries was day 32. I just haven’t been able

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Writing from home
Daphna Horowitz

War Diaries: Days 28 and 30

10 November, 2023 Day 28 – Yellow Ribbons Friday morning we woke up to join a scheduled run for three of the hostages, who have family in Raanana. We ran for Naama Levy, 19 years old,

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Writing from home
Daphna Horowitz

War Diaries: Days 12 and 17

By Daphna HorowitzRaanana, Israel24 October, 2023 Day 12 – Holding joy and pain at the same timeEvery morning I wake up and for a split second, before I’m completely awake, while my mind is still a

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