Tag: faith

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Sheva BeOctober: A Poem

Without a chancewithout being askedStill they askThey insistDeclaim “this”1 Before the mountain man2before the voices3before three stars4came us5 Returned we6no prodigal7no mere relic8Rather to end it9 EverlastingPresent, ever threateningTo green hills and pleasant land again10Blood yet,

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Writing from home
Rachel Weinstein

The Fears We Face – Iranian Threats on Erev Shabbat*

Threats are heavyAnxiety is thickAnd the sky is a perfect bright bluethat reminds me uncomfortably ofthat Tuesday morningFear permeates the steady, warm breezeAs thick grey plumes of destructionRing out A country braced for war-A magnitude of

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Reflections on My Inner Strength

25 October, 2023 The war in Israel – Day 18 The first few days there was shock in the air. We might have to go in the mamad 1 at any time. I didn’t want to

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The Chosen

This poem is dedicated to my people and above all Hashem who does not slumber nor sleep. The Light of Israel will forever burn – nothing will ever extinguish us.Six Million Souls suddenly taken then, left

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Kill ‘Em With Kindness

Nechama Eisenman | Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel We Jews are “eye-for-an-eye” People. Ayin Tachat Ayin is an actual commandment that expresses reciprocal justice. (Shemot/Exodus 21:23–27) Indeed, justice is the lifeblood of our faith. And not only

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Writing from home
Ben Gold

And he descended

We have descended. If history follows a pattern, we’re in Exile. And 7 October was the Destruction. Destruction of our faith in. And our hope for. Of our passivity. Our freedom to be extreme. The mirage

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