Tag: humanity

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Writing from the warfront
Yigal Dilmoni

Tefillin Story

Most of the soldiers in my company are not religious. As a commander, I have a squad of soldiers working close to me – a driver, someone in charge of communications, and a navigator. They are not religious, but they know that I’m strict about putting on tefillin every day. Even if I don’t have time to daven, I always put on tefillin – every single day.

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Writing from home
Mallory Serebrin

Diary Entry: Days 28 and 29 – Heart Stickers

There is no shelter here, reads the sign blowing in the wind taped to the glass door. I have walked from one end of the namal (port) to the other looking for a cafe, not a restaurant that serves fish or chicken. I want a salad and a hot coffee with oat milk. I have found one at the northern area of the port of Tel Aviv. Not fancy but with a table near an outlet and they serve coffee.

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The Jewish Experience

As a student in Montreal: Dear Reader,             The progression of emotions since October 7th, as a Jewish woman, has included that of defeat and fear to pride and empowerment, and a whole lot intertwined in

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Untitled Poem

26th October, 2023 I thinkWe got comfortable in this worldI thoughtI saw the world settle into a beautiful placeDangers far away, unreachableUntouchableI thought of it like a cliff hovering over deadly, thrashing waves on top of

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Kill ‘Em With Kindness

Nechama Eisenman | Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel We Jews are “eye-for-an-eye” People. Ayin Tachat Ayin is an actual commandment that expresses reciprocal justice. (Shemot/Exodus 21:23–27) Indeed, justice is the lifeblood of our faith. And not only

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