Tag: Maxim D. Shrayer

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Writing from work
Maxim D. Shrayer

First Shabbos of the War

O sheltered punditsand tenured humanistswho have beenposting and tweeting       how you feel bad             for Israel,                  but all the same… I say to you, my colleagues,as Hamas Einsatzgruppenmurder Israeli women and childrenin their homes and fields:       Have

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silentversities             silently witness silentversities             fail to condemn silentversities              soulless and witless silentversities              solo and in tandem silentversities              hostile to Israel silentversities              seek compromise    silentversities              toxic with vitriol silentversities             

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Campus Confrontation

“What are you doing still awake?”She answered him:“I love.”from the Russian of Leonid Martynov “Are you a Zionist?” they asked,their faces covered in keffiyehs.On their chessboard hate was masked.She stood alone. She had no fear.“No Zionist

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The Soviet Rhetoric (After Mayakovsky)

A Russian Immigrant once asked Ilhan Omar: “O Congresswoman, do you have to mar all things Israeli? Your wrathful tweets do lack a balanced view of the Near East.” His pleas ignored, A Russian Immigrant then

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The Poets of Hamas

for Franck Salameh The poets of Hamas bemoan the death of one of their own. Villanelles and sonnets deny that men from Gaza violated Jewish girls time and again, in gangs, with rabid zeal. They call

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UN General Assembly Resolution on Gaza

On Friday, 27 October 2023: 120 countries voted in favor (that is, against Israel). 14 countries voted against (that is, 13 for Israel and Israel for itself). 45 countries abstained (abstained).

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