Tag: missiles

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War and Bees: The honey and the sting

In Israel’s Galilee, the soothing hum of our Neshikha beehives now mingles with the harsher buzz of air force drones and thudding echoes of aerial and artillery cross-border warfare. In the picturesque landscape of Israel’s Galilee,

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Writing from home
Alla Turovskaya

Where the Parrots Go

They sing.At the stupid o’clockwheneven Sunhasn’tgot up yetbut only opened its eyes,stretched out and yawnedthese irksome creatures alreadytweetchirppeepsingtheir dumb happy songsand don’tlet me sleep. They sing.Clang, tinkle, ring.When I work.When I walk.When I speakon the phone.I

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