What the Heart Holds
I’m not one to express feelings in public. And I’m not one to leap onto passing trends like water rushing down a shower drain, pulling everyone with it. Even when that water is the compiled tears
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I’m not one to express feelings in public. And I’m not one to leap onto passing trends like water rushing down a shower drain, pulling everyone with it. Even when that water is the compiled tears
Powerful emotions pulsatingthrough my veinsevery breath a challengeas I struggle in my chains In the bleakness of a tunnelfar below the light of daynever knowing never speakingslowly dying there I lay Will they save mefrom this
October 24th, 2024 It’s been a year of pain and wordsThe year has endedThe words have goneBut the pain won’t let us goIt’s been a year of waiting and prayingThe year is overThe prayers fading, each
September 1st, 2024 I’ve wallowed in painI’ve dwelled in heartbreakI’ve existed on breathing in agony and sorrowBut nowNot wallowing but drowningNot dwelling but barely survivingAnd the breaths of poisoned anguish and grief threaten to suffocateWith no
The Bibas family haiku project will comprise three groups of poems – each group representing a particular character. The haikus will emulate the structure of a haiku in that the first character (Imma/mama) will have five
Sadness overwhelmsA new day, the tale replayedOnce too many times Laid to rest in peaceAs hearts weep across bruised landPain spreads far and wide Rest well young soldiersThank you for all that you gaveWhat a price