Genesis 49:6 5784 | ויחי מט:ו תשפ”ד

Don't let the hatred consume you 
Don't let the wrath cloud your judgment 
Don't let revenge seal your fate
Don't give in to the hate

Don't bring my soul in your counsel 
Don't lend my weight to conspire
Don't descend to decisions inhume
Don't let your enmity consume

Don't talk of solutions unfounded
Don't let your immorality betray
Don't trip in generalizations
Don't lead your people astray

Don't give them any satisfaction
The hatred they spawned don't let in
Their counsel is catch us in mire
Lest we stumble in hatred and sin

Don't give in to the hate 
Don't give in to hate 
We're all feeling hate right now
Just don't give in to it
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