May 13th, 2024
Inflation means the cost of living continues to increase
I never thought I’d see such high inflation in my time
I don’t think I can afford this cost
May 13th, 2024
Inflation means the cost of living continues to increase
I never thought I’d see such high inflation in my time
I don’t think I can afford this cost
Miriam Roskind is just your average person who sometimes experiences so much sadness that it overflows into words. And when that's not happening, she has a day job in high-tech and 2 soldiers (one miluim and one sadir) to worry about and feed (when given the opportunity). |
I don’t know how we’re going to feel after this war in Gaza. My only point of reference is how
One dayI’ve got –Them.Funny, clumsy, crying.Kids.Cubs. Dayspassed.My cubs played.They grew strong, beautiful, shining.Kind. And thenthatdaycame. When angry menpointed their gunsto