Dear Yarden,
It’s 4:30 am. I wake up thinking about you. That must sound crazy, but I’m certain I’m not the only one. One of the things that I fell in love with since the aftermath of October 7 was loving and being loved. Something I don’t always know, is whether I received love in the way I deserved. But the unraveling of worlds since the 7th – has rained on me a world of love here in Israel that I don’t think I’ve seen since I was a little girl watching my Bubbie and Zadie and how they loved. Fast forward, our IDF and their love for this country and our people and how they would fight with their bare hands and without gear. They love hard. A love I have grown to love. So, I set out to love them and in return learned to love differently and be loved in a way I cannot recall. And then I fell in love with Israel. I made aliyah on October 7, 2020. And for three years, I was ready to leave Israel. This wasn’t the love I had fantasized about. Then came October 7, 2023, and the days that followed. A country rose up; gave every part of their hearts to fight for the release of who quickly became our loved ones too. You, Shiri, Ariel, Kfir. Over the days that followed, I have picked clementines on your family farm; sat with your cousin in Herzliya back in May. Fighting for all of you with my love. You have been so brave. So courageous. Your love gave you reason to fight for your life and the life you created. I will never digest why we have to fight so hard for love. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. You’re on my mind. I hope you’re being held tight. Know how loved you are by so many that don’t know you personally. Please hang on tight. I love you.