Birds in flight by Tania Shalom Michaelian

Heavy with the weight of tears

And lack of sleep, I barely managed to lift my head towards the morning sky

To try and follow the movement which caught my eye

A muster of storks flew in a flawless circle above the houses of the moshav

Performing a slow and perfectly coordinated dance through the clouds

Their pace was slow and silent It steadied my wildly beating heart

It silenced the hysterical sounds coming from blaring televisions, from every house

It softened the screams of mothers searching for missing children,

Fathers, desperate for news about loved ones

Of manic politicians

I allowed myself to soar through the sky with them for just one moment,

Be one with these hundreds of white angels

Who watched us from above,

Who synchronized their motion,

So that they could be at one with the wind

And the air

And the light

And each other

Before I blinked into the sunlight

And they were gone

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