for Franck Salameh

The poets of Hamas bemoan the death
of one of their own. Villanelles and sonnets
deny that men from Gaza violated Jewish girls 
time and again, in gangs, with rabid zeal. They
call it Zionist “lies” and “smokescreen.” Bloody rhymes
with bloody Jewish bodies. Terza rima
of mutilated babies, cut-off breasts,
heroic couplets, slender Gazan stanzas
by learned men who die to murder Jews.

In Boston and in London poets mourn
their fellow rhymesters. How they guzzle down 
their martyred verse on X and Instagram, 
their ghazals of ecstasy amid the rubble, 
hamasaat of their chivalrous exploits
into Israeli farmland, quasaa’id to mark
the glorious advent of intifada, maraathi 
where Israel always rhymes with death—
in London and in Boston poets spread this hatred.
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