Powerful emotions pulsating
through my veins
every breath a challenge
as I struggle in my chains

In the bleakness of a tunnel
far below the light of day
never knowing never speaking
slowly dying there I lay

Will they save me
from this nightmare
neither living nor I dead
neither eating nor I starving
for a piece of rotten bread

My captors tease and grieve me
with the smell of their cooked food
but deny me every comfort
with hate they are imbued

Praying quietly for forgiveness
for the sins I may have done
in my eternal dungeon
I am damned nowhere to run

Will they save me will they find me
tormented in my soul
did I deserve this treatment?
when I tried to help my captors
for a better life to know

Breathing slower now and steady
I have come to terms with life
remembering my family
knowing not if they are alive

Giving up is not an option
we love life and they love death
each second is a gift from G-d
as I take another breath

I know in this life or the next life
one day I shall be free
my chains will be unshackled,
will they remember me?

My body ravaged by my captors
but my spirit still intact
they cannot take my mind away
although my body’s wracked

I dream of angels soaring
breathing air so cool and new
in the land of righteous heroes
in the land of white and blue

In the holy land of Zion
on the hills of Galilee
swimming free in the Kinneret
with my blessed family

Washing clean all my defilement
I will be new again
free from the devils dungeon
free from all my worldly pain.

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