We commemorate
On the ironies
Faced in grief and love
that proliferate
Holding space and breath
Remembering who we are and the salvation
We await

We’ve been here before
We know when it’s time to
Lather, rinse, repeat

Mourning creates longing
While rumors are swarming
There’s more we’re absorbing
More death, then hope,
Informing every gasp
Holding space and breath
As we pray that quiet
Is forming

But we’ve been here before;
Lather, rinse, and repeat

Missiles and bombs
We deflect with psalms
As this latest pogrom
Brings an ache that bleeds
And speaks to a legacy of resilience
As we hold space and breath
And the passion we carry with
unpolished aplomb

And we stay here
Continuing to
Lather, rinse, repeat

On sacred soil, this Holy Land
We attempt to understand
The demand,
The command
To stand tall, and proud, as we weep
Hand in hand
As our dead are recovered
From the depths of the sand
Wondering just how long
We can hold space and breath
And bear witness,

I hate the wash cycle.

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