The Fears We Face – Iranian Threats on Erev Shabbat*

Threats are heavy
Anxiety is thick
And the sky is a perfect bright blue
that reminds me uncomfortably of
that Tuesday morning
Fear permeates the steady, warm breeze
As thick grey plumes of destruction
Ring out

A country braced for war-
A magnitude of which we can only guess
With an iron dome that is no match
For psychological terror

That is why, in my weakest, most terrified moments
I must remember the outstretched arms that have saved me before
I am more powerful when I remember
That I am but one person in an army larger
than all the rivers and all the seas

Guided, protected, and embraced
By a Power bigger than
Social media
And haters

I will move forward with the knowledge that
I am on the right side of this battle
And that Hashem above is right there with me,
With us

May the G-D of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Of Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, and Leah
Of you
Of me
Of my children
And your children
Shield and defend
This Land
It’s inhabitants
And Its people both near and far

May He use His Swords of Iron
To counter evil and its axes
In a world in which perfectly bright blue skies
Call out for all
To Live
To Love
And be
At peace.

Shabbat Shalom
Rachel Weinstein
August 2, 2024

*Sabbath eve

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